The journals of John McDouall Stuart’s six expeditions plus the introduction, published by William Hardman, second edition, 1865, have been included in the John McDouall Stuart Society website for the benefit of students, researchers and casual readers.

Although the web platform used to present the website has limited the presentation to solid slabs of text with little search ability, there is a search work-around available to the computer savvy student. Here’s the method for a Windows operating system:

*  Navigate to the required journal on this website.

*  Copy the entire journal. Right click>Select All>Copy.

* Start>All Programmes>Accessories>Notepad will open Microsoft Notepad.

*  Place the cursor in the Notepad window and right click>Paste.

*  Be sure the cursor is at the beginning of the pasted journal.

*  Click Edit>Find.

*  Type your search term into the “Find what” box and click Find Next.

*  You may need to drag the search box to the side so you can see the results.